# TCP & SSL Client

# Create connection

// tcp
std::shared_ptr<fv::IConn> _conn = co_await fv::Connect ("tcp://");

// ssl
std::shared_ptr<fv::IConn> _conn2 = co_await fv::Connect ("ssl://");

# Loop to receive content and print

Both TCP and SSL are streaming protocols. The length of a single packet cannot be accurately obtained. You need to specify the length in a customized format.

// throw exception means link is broken
char _ch = co_await _conn->ReadChar ();
std::string _line = co_await _conn->ReadLine ();

// ReadCount and ReadCountVec will not return until specified length data has been received
std::string _buf = co_await _conn->ReadCount (1024);
std::vector<uint8_t> _buf2 = co_await _conn->ReadCountVec (1024);

# Send data

// throw exception means link is broken
std::string _str = "hello";
co_await _conn->Send (_str.data (), _str.size ());

# Close connection

As long as the connection object is not referenced by the code, it is automatically freed by the smart pointer and the link is closed automatically.

# Example